Presentations for
Leadership Growth

Compelling speeches to engage your people and multiply your leaders. Delivered in-person or online.

Presentations for
Leadership Growth

Compelling speeches to engage your people and multiply your leaders.

At the center of every speech is Pete Wehry's focus on the power of people.

If you people are not compelled, your team will not grow.

Pete will engage, inspire, and guide your audience to a deeper understanding of how to impact their teams and improve their synergy.

Pete Wehry Basketball Team

Priority One: Engage Your people

Pete delivers a compelling and undeniable truth that your first priority must be your people. Through deposits in people you gain trust and improve individuals, which increases teamwork and creates powerful synergy.

Your audience will learn:

  • Why people are the key for growth
  • How to get to know people beyond the surface and why that truly matters
  • How to invest in people and how to find the time

Pete will help you simplify, clarify, and magnify the importance of investing in your team! Your audience will be stirred and instructed to make a difference in their people.

leadership keynote speaker Pete Wehry coaching

Multiply Leaders: Hit the Target!

In this speech, Pete shares the importance of selecting leaders in your team to help take the next steps of leadership growth.  It is imperative that you are preparing most of your replacements from within your team, they know your vision, mission, core values, and culture.

Your audience will learn:

  • How to identify these leaders and what do you do if you don’t have any leaders
  • What to do as a leader to develop people
  • The importance of doing things together—some things are taught and some things are caught.
  • The need for responsibility, accountability, and confrontation

Contact Pete

Let's discuss how we can take A.I.M. in the right direction.

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